Paper version updated on the January 2, 2025 (193ko)
Birth : 21st of June 1991 at Nancy (France - 54) - French Nationality.
Permanent address: Avenue Chantecler, F-64250 Cambo-les-Bains.
Professional address: Rue Nationale, F-57600 Forbach.
Personal e-mail:
Professional e-mail: mangeat AT
25 Sept. 2018: Doctor of the University of Bordeaux in Physics.
2015 - 2018: PhD in Physics at the University of Bordeaux (supervised by David S. Dean et Thomas Guérin).
2013 - 2015: Master's degree in Theoritical Physics (ENS-ICFP) at the École Normale Supérieure1 (Paris, France).
2012 - 2013: Bachelor's degree in Fundamental Physics at the École Normale Supérieure1 (Paris, France).
2009 - 2012: 'Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles'2 - Physics-Chemistry section at the René Cassin's high school (Bayonne, France).
2009: 'Baccalauréat Scientifique'3 with honours.
1 The École Normale Supérieure is a prestigious institution of heigher education providing specialized training to student who will become researcher or/and professor.
2 equivalent to the two first years of Bachelor's degree with intensive curses preparing for highly competitive, national entrance examination to French 'Grandes Ecoles' - including engineering schools and the ENS.
3 equivalent to British A levels, scientific option.
2018-...: Postdoctoral position in the group of H. Rieger at Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany).
2017-2018: Teaching mission at the University of Bordeaux (Talence, France), 64 hours.
2016: Teaching supervised by D. S. Dean at the University of Bordeaux (Talence, France), 24 hours, for the training to teach.
2015-2018: PhD Thesis in Physics supervised by D. S. Dean and T. Guérin at the University of Bordeaux, Laboratoire Onde et Matière d'Aquitaine (Talence, France) and entitled From dispersion to Brownian vortices in out-of-equilibrium confined systems.
01-03/2015: 2nd Master internship supervised by F. Zamponi at the École Normale Supérieure, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (Paris, France) and entitled Approximation schemes for the glass transition in simple systems.
02-07/2014: 1st Master internship supervised by H. Rieger and K. Schwarz at Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany) and entitled Kinetic Monte Carlo studies of Reaction-Diffusion systems.
07/2013: Bachelor internship supervised by S. Fauve at the École Normale Supérieure, Laboratoire de Physique Statistique (Paris, France) and entitled Faraday's instability - Scattering of an acoustic wave on the air-liquid interface.
[19] M. Mangeat, S. Chatterjee, J. D. Noh, and H. Rieger, Emergent complex phases in a discrete flocking model with reciprocal and non-reciprocal interactions, submitted (2024) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[18] M. Mangeat, S. Chakraborty, A. Wysocki, and H. Rieger, Stationary particle currents in sedimenting active matter wetting a wall, Phys. Rev. E 109, 014616 (January 2024) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[17] M. Karmakar, S. Chatterjee, M. Mangeat, H. Rieger, and R. Paul, Jamming and flocking in the restricted active Potts model, Phys. Rev. E 108, 014604 (July 2023) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[16] S. Chatterjee, M. Mangeat, C.-U. Woo, H. Rieger, and J. D. Noh, Flocking of two unfriendly species: The two-species Vicsek model, Phys. Rev. E 107, 024607 (February 2023) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[15] S. Chatterjee, M. Mangeat, and H. Rieger, Polar flocks with discretized directions: the active clock model approaching the Vicsek model, EPL 138, 41001 (June 2022) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[14] A. Alexandre, M. Mangeat, T. Guérin, and D. S. Dean, How Stickiness Can Speed Up Diffusion in Confined Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 210601 (May 2022) [arXiv] [pdf].
[13] M. Mangeat, T. Guérin, and D. S. Dean, Steady state of overdamped particles in the non-conservative force field of a simple non-linear model of optical trap, J. Stat. Mech. 2021, 113205 (November 2021) [arXiv] [pdf].
[12] M. Mangeat and H. Rieger, Narrow escape problem in two-shell spherical domains, Phys. Rev. E 104, 044124 (October 2021) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[11] M. Mangeat, S. Chatterjee, R. Paul, and H. Rieger, Flocking with a q-fold discrete symmetry: Band-to-lane transition in the active Potts model, Phys. Rev. E 102, 042601 (October 2020) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[10] S. Chatterjee, M. Mangeat, R. Paul, and H. Rieger, Flocking and reorientation transition in the 4-state active Potts model, EPL 130, 66001 (July 2020) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[09] M. Mangeat, T. Guérin, and D. S. Dean, Effective diffusivity of Brownian particles in a two dimensional square lattice of hard disks, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 234109 (June 2020) [arXiv] [pdf].
[08] M. Mangeat and H. Rieger, The narrow escape problem in a circular domain with radial piecewise constant diffusivity, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52, 424002 (September 2019) [arXiv] [gitHub] [pdf].
[07] M. Mangeat, Y. Amarouchene, Y. Louyer, T. Guérin, and D. S. Dean, Role of nonconservative scattering forces and damping on Brownian particles in optical traps, Phys. Rev. E 99, 052107 (May 2019) [arXiv] [pdf].
[06] Y. Amarouchene, M. Mangeat, B. Vidal Montes, L. Ondic, T. Guérin, D. S. Dean, and Y. Louyer, Nonequilibrium Dynamics Induced by Scattering Forces for Optically Trapped Nanoparticles in Strongly Inertial Regimes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 183901 (May 2019) [arXiv] [pdf].
[PhD] M. Mangeat, From dispersion to Brownian vortices in out-of-equilibrium confined systems, PhD thesis, University of Bordeaux (defended the 25 September 2018) [pdf].
[05] M. Mangeat, T. Guérin, and D. S. Dean, Dispersion in two-dimensional periodic channels with discontinuous profiles, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 124105 (September 2018) [arXiv] [pdf].
[04] M. Mangeat, T. Guérin, and D. S. Dean, Dispersion in two dimensional channels—the Fick–Jacobs approximation revisited, J. Stat. Mech. 2017, 123205 (December 2017) [arXiv] [pdf].
[03] M. Mangeat, T. Guérin, and D. S. Dean, Geometry controlled dispersion in periodic corrugated channels, EPL 118, 40004 (July 2017) [arXiv] [pdf].
[02] X. Zhou, R. Zhao, K. Schwarz, M. Mangeat, E. C. Schwarz, M. Hamed, I. Bogeski, V. Helms, H. Rieger, and B. Qu, Bystander cells enhance NK cytotoxic efficiency by reducing search time, Sci. Rep 7, 44357 (March 2017) [pdf].
[01] M. Mangeat and F. Zamponi, Quantitative approximation schemes for glasses, Phys. Rev. E 93, 012609 (December 2016) [arXiv] [pdf].
[19] DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section - Berlin 2024, TU Berlin (Germany), March 2024, Stationary particle currents in sedimenting active matter wetting a wall [talk*].
[18] DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section - Berlin 2024, TU Berlin (Germany), March 2024, Flocking of two unfriendly species [poster].
[17] Cell Physics 2023, Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany), October 2023 [attendee].
[16] DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section - Dresden 2023, TU Dresden (Germany), March 2023, Wetting of reflecting plates by an active Brownian fluid [poster].
[15] DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section - Dresden 2023, TU Dresden (Germany), March 2023, Polar flocks with discretized directions: the active clock model approaching the Vicsek model [talk*].
[14] DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section - Regensburg 2022, University of Regensburg (Germany), September 2022, Polar flocks with discretized directions: the active clock model approaching the Vicsek model [poster].
[13] Cell Physics 2021, Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany), September 2021 [attendee].
[12] Virtual DPG Spring Meeting 2021, online, March 2021, The narrow escape problem in two-shell circular domains [poster].
[11] Virtual DPG Spring Meeting 2021, online, March 2021, Flocking and reorientation transition in the q-state active Potts model [poster].
[10] Seminar, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques (Orsay, France, online), January 2021, Flocking and reorientation transition in the q-state active Potts model [talk*].
[09] Seminar, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (Toulouse, France, online), December 2020, Flocking and reorientation transition in the q-state active Potts model [talk*].
[08] Microswimmers International Conference 2020: Motile Active Matter, Forschungszentrum caesar (Bonn, Germany, online), October 2020, Flocking and reorientation transition in the q-state active Potts model [poster].
[07] Frontiers in Computational Methods for Active Matter, Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (Lausanne, Switzerland), February 2020, Flocking and reorientation transition in the 4-state active Potts model [poster].
[06] Cell Physics 2019, Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany), October 2019, The narrow escape problem in a circular domain with radial piecewise constant diffusivity [talk*].
[05] DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section - Regensburg 2019, University of Regensburg (Germany), April 2019, Controlled dispersion in periodic microchannels and regular obstacle parks [talk*].
[04] LOMA Theory Day 2018, Bordeaux University (Talence, France), May 2018, Geometry controlled dispersion in periodic channels [talk*].
[03] Seminar, Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany), April 2018, Geometry controlled dispersion in periodic channels [talk*].
[02] Journées de Physique Statistique 2018, ESPCI (Paris, France), January 2018, Dispersion in periodic channels [talk*].
[01] International Summer School "Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics XIV", Bruneck (Italy), July 2017, Geometry controlled dispersion in periodic corrugated channels [poster].
*Content in which errors may be present. To be looked carefully. Not modified since their presentations.
Lecture Advanced Quantum Mechanics.
TPs Electromagnetism and electronics (11.33h): Operational amplifier: operating modes and limits / Application of OPAMP for functions in analog electronics / Application of OPAMP to active filtering.
TPs Fluid mechanics (12h): Volumic mass and density / Surface tension, phenomena at air-liquid interfaces / Flow and pressure drop.
TPs Physics for Earth Sciences (24h): Volumic mass, density and surface tension / Flow and pressure drop / Magnetic field measurements / Magnetic moment of a magnet.
Methodology Scientific part (18.67h): The poster, a scientific communication medium.
TPs Fluid mechanics (12h): Volumic mass and density / Surface tension, phenomena at air-liquid interfaces / Flow and pressure drop.
TDs Mathematics for the representation of physical phenomena (12h): Differential calculus / Vector calculus / Coordinate systems / Integral calculus / Scalar and vector fields.
French: mother tongue
English: written et spoken currently
Spannish: basic
Basque: notions
Text Editors: LibreOffice, Latex, Beamer
Scientific softwares: Matlab, Maple, Labview, Solidworks, Gnuplot
Coding: C, C++, python, shell, html, php
Driving licence - since the 22nd of October 2010